Warm Hands

Palms, touch, and heat.
Any reminder that we're alive and able to grasp the physical affection.

     Affection that flows from inside and spread through the fingertips. It doesn’t necessarily between a male and female. It can be between family members, friends, even strangers that you meet in bus stop.
How such a small gesture can jolt a new energy and pump your blood and feel alive.
     I didn’t realize how cold my hand until a friend of mine sent warm heated touch through her palms when we bid goodbyes. It didn’t make sense at that time because the weather was chill and the car we both in were even colder. We bid goodbyes and promises to see each other again soon, we exchanged handshake and hugs. It didn’t make sense her palm was warm when mine was almost the same temperature as weather.
This small gesture and simple difference occupy my head even months after the incident.
     Is it her personality, I thought.
     Is it because she’s accustomed to AC room and that’s why her temperature adjust already, I argued.
     Is it the optimist side of her that makes her stay warm in even cold weather, I whispered.
     Too many things in my mind just from that small gesture.
     It might be myself who is not accustomed to cold weather.
     It might be me who has poor blood circulation.
     It might be that..
    On top of that, I am glad that we exchanged handshake and remind myself that life is full of unexpected things. I need to expand the horizon and count every moment as a blessing.
    The last 5 years I spent with existential crisis and desperate need in happiness. In the end of 2017, someone I self-identify to (because we share so much similarity in fears, bitterness, and also hope towards the world) took departure because he couldn’t see any light in his life anymore. He is shut down by his own depression and I can’t do anything about it. I never say it out loud but every achievement he made, I use it as a compass of what I wish to do in the future. I don’t know why I need to explain but honestly, instead of blinded by his air of celebrity and physical attractiveness, his weakness and fears attracted me more. It’s like finally I have someone who shared the same concerns as me. When he departed, there’s a deafened pang that followed me everywhere I went to. First loss always hit like a thousand thunders.

      And now for 2018, I opt for more exhilarating moments rather than seeking for happiness that has a very board and vast definition of it. From the small bottled of exhilarating moments that I can complete the puzzle of happiness.

     As I lay on the ground (figuratively, of course, but I do love lie on the ground), I learn to do anything to lift myself up. Fill the hole of doubt and scratched papers of depressed thought with the light and gratitude. Although it is hard for me to think like this but I’d like to think that I’m thankful to grow in this family and surrounded by the friends whom never hesitate to extend their hands to help/give me shelter. There must be a place in the world where people who have delicate hearts and able to live beautifully. I will definitely find it. For him, myself, and all of misfits in the world.


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