Book Rant

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I'm so friggin excited. I got the link to read Curse Child on Bookmate App from my aunt. We're an ebook maniac. We often exchange ebooks. Most of our reading list is available digitally. The paperback is too expensive and I cant afford most of it.

These past few months, I've been going to Gunung Agung store and admiring The Last Star hard copy with longing eyes. I cannot read it yet. After finishing Infinite Sea, I supress my need to read the 3rd one. You know, the #1 The 5th Wave, #2 Infinite Sea, #3 The Last Star. The adventure of Cassie and Ringer and the squad to survive in (man-made) apocalypse continue to the third book. Rick Yansey is successful to absorb me into the madness and I'm going crazy because I am not able to read the #3 book. Yet. Everytime, I went to Gunung Agung, the book stares me like crazy. I would go to the shelf, look at the book, and stroke it like it's an expensive jewelry. Yeah, I'm far too broke to buy foreign-published book.

At last, Aunt gives me link about Bookmate App on Android and my life is not the same again. /laugh/ I'm not being dramatic. It is dramatic. I'm grinning like mad when I find that The Last Star is available on Bookmate. I also find a few books that I've been stored under the to-read list (excluding The Last Star):

  • Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare (I so freakin love her Nephilim story)
  • Jenny Han's summer series
  • Jennyy Han's Lara Jean series
  • The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Oh, I've been following this tumblr and I often find my fave book written as the book of the week. If I find a post from book quote that I haven't read yet, I'll add the title under my to-read list. And that's how my list is getting big and bigger. I love to drown myself into stories that I'd never have. Reading books is like having adventure around the world in your own place.


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