London Review

I bought the book soon after I saw it on the shelf at Gramedia. It was one of Journey series by Windry Ramadhina. Different title, different author. They begin with ‘Paris’ and then Rome followed after with “Bangkok” and “Tokyo”. Paris was good; Rome wasn’t that bad; I didn’t buy ‘em because I read ‘em in the bookstore. HAHA. I spent almost 2 hrs skimming Paris & Rome at Gramedia Pemuda. You know there’s this big seat near the window and yeah I did skim it. I love Paris, the story isn’t that cliche (speaking of romantic novel) but yeah I wasn’t interested purchasing the hard copy after reading it (well, skimming it). Rome.. well I’ve kinda guessed the ending but I liked the family story & the conversation between the characters was nice. I bought the Bangkok book. It was… ordinary. But the postcard was great.

I love England (including London), no need to explain. Harry Potter, Love Actually, The Holiday, Pride & Prejudice, and Sherlock Holmes are enough. An instant image of wet main road, red double-decker, & black taxi pop out in my head as soon as someone mentions the word ‘London’. (I often thought that I was a visual person). I’ve always loved rain, double-decker amazed me, classic design of taxi was mighty fine (for me). Any-pleasing-the-eye-thing worked well for me.

Honestly, I needed to rethink a few times before I decided not to skim the book but actually bought it. Hehehehehe. I loved the color & the font of the book cover. Plus, I got to add my postcard collection! Yes, I collected postcard. The books from this series gave out postcard, you know.

The book was about love story, indeed. The kind of light-reading book. I liked the writing style; poetic but not too heavy. I liked the plot too. It’s like watching indie movie; I couldn’t guess the ending story until I finished ¾ of the book. Yeah well, since it’s romance and light reading, usually I can guess the ending but no. It didn’t work like that. For a fan of London (English), I must admit that the visualization of the city in this book was amazing.

Happy holiday, everyone! Eid Mubarak 1435 H ^^


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