(another) goong's quote

a    : your heart is occupied entirely with one person and I understand how painful it is
b    : I've lost all my emotions. Now I cant erase or empty my heart
a    : it may be difficult now. you may not be able to control your pain. when the time comes, it will be blown with the wind.
b    : will it really happen?
a    : yes, at the age of 19 you may think that you will die without your emotions but you still have the life at 29, or the life at 30
a    : there's a poem.. "from your eyes, I saw tears roll down. And I realized that having a difficult life and crying at times are not that unpleasant..."

b    : if I can never have you.. everytime I think of you, I feel thirsty. and I can only cry foolishly alone.


3 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

loving all the quotes xxxxxxxx

ichaelmago mengatakan...

"yes, at the age of 19 you may think that you will die without your emotions but you still have the life at 29, or the life at 30"

18 tahun..19 tahun..masa2 amat sangat labil -_- seperti apa yang aku alami sekarang :P

Je M'aime mengatakan...

@kirstyb: thanks.. I love watching romantic movies and always love quotes in there

@ichaelmago: yup yup.. masih kebawa hormon bukan mikir murni dari logika.. hehe

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